Lisbon, Portugal
In addition to the competitive environment in which insurance companies operate, these businesses are challenged by more stringent compliance with government regulations and increasing expectations on the part of consumers. Efficient claims management is vital to the success of both large and small companies working within the insurance industry. Major components of the claims handling process include developing strategies to cut costs and reduce fraud while keeping customers satisfied. This can be done by implementing innovative tools and strategies, increasing transparency of the processes and speeding up the claims settlement process.

Joe Pendle
Managing Director
Verisk Analytics Limited, UK

Andrey Zhukov
Anti-Fraud Consultant, Insurance Market Department
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Russia

Andrew Bennett
Chief Executive
Coverbox Insure Limited, UK

Nikolai Kröger
Senior Partner & Managing Director
Jurasolutions Ra Gmbh, Germany

Adam Smolkowski

Sam Amar
Sales Director

Tom Johansmeyer
ARM, AVP, Co-Head, PCS
Verisk Insurance Solutions, USA

Adam Smolkowski

Bjorn Vuylsteker
Co-Founder & CTO
WeGroup, Belgium

Nick Barber
Head Of Property & Energy Claims – Europe

Francie Peters
Company Director
De Bureaus, The Netherlands

Cees Werff
President & CEO
Claims Corporation Network B.V., The Netherlands

Evans Vlachos
Sedgwick International, UK

Paola Scarabotto
Head of Business Intelligence and Product Engineering
Groupama Assicurazioni S.p.A.

Joe Louwagie
Head of Strategy
Verisk Claims

Christian Boito
Senior Manager
Sedgwick International, UK

Alessandra Girardo
Kubris, Kirey Group, Italy
“I am highly satisfied. A well-organized conference, the good panel of speakers. Congratulations!”
— Senior Director & Country Head of Digital, Grupo Ageas | Portugal
“I have found the information I need for my business. I appreciate the international experience that the conference enabled.”
— Insurance Broker, International Insurance Brokers s.r.o | Italy & Czech Republic
“The conference was a great opportunity for networking and exchanging knowledge!”
— Head of Insurance, AlexBank / Intesa Sanpaolo Group | Egypt
“The Uniglobal staff and organization are very good, as always.”
— Managing Director, C.P. Consultancy Solutions | United Kingdom
Where and When?
Lisbon, Portugal
24 – 25 January 2019
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