Since its foundation in 2008 Mikro Kapital focused on impact investments and social responsibility, with a particular attention on emerging countries and a developing leading experience in microcredit. The Company’s mission is to judiciously target economic growth in the countries where it operates, by ensuring financial flows to niche markets considered safe and profitable.

Mikro Kapital operates through two Securitization funds: Mikro Fund and Alternative. Both funds invest in their portfolio companies, Micro Finance institutions which issue loans to small and micro businesses across emerging areas in Russia and along the Silk Road.

The company has been expanding over the past decade reaching more than of 710 million EUR of AUM. Currently it is present in 14 countries and 122 Portfolio Companies (MFIs, authorized by the Central Banks of the respective countries, and their operative offices). Mikro Kapital is a signatory of the PRI and is committed to minimize the negative impacts and ESG risks of our investments. Furthermore, it is focused to contribute the achievement of the Social Development Goals of the United Nations.

Mikro Kapital is a part of the European Microfinance Network and boasts partnerships and memberships with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), LuxFlag, GIIN, the Italian National Institute of Microcredit (ENM), as well as collaborations with major international investors such as European Investment Fund.

Uniglobal Events, spol. s r. o. (as “Uniglobal”), Narodni str. 17, Praha 1, 110 00, Czech Republic (Company registration no: 24804576)
VAT registrations: Austria: ATU67000345 | Czech Republic: CZ24804576 | Germany: DE280822141 | Portugal: PT980641411 | The Netherlands: NL824281548B01 | UK: GB453766858 | Spain: NIF – N0306227J

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