Zavarovalnica Sava is a Slovenian insurance company organised as a public limited company and wholly owned by Sava Re, the second largest insurance group in Southeast Europe. We are a modern, society-oriented, and sustainable insurance company with a mission to strive for continuous progress and create as high quality of life as possible for our policyholders, employees, and the social environment.

You can find more details at

Uniglobal Events, spol. s r. o. (as “Uniglobal”), Narodni str. 17, Praha 1, 110 00, Czech Republic (Company registration no: 24804576)
VAT registrations: Austria: ATU67000345 | Czech Republic: CZ24804576 | Germany: DE280822141 | Portugal: PT980641411 | The Netherlands: NL824281548B01 | UK: GB453766858 | Spain: NIF – N0306227J

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