WTS Global, founded in 2003, is the leading independent tax network. With a current presence in more than 100 countries, we are growing rapidly.

Our client base varies from large multinational group to private sector clients.

In the Americas, our cooperation between WTS Global, Economics Partners and Lataxnet – a highly rated network of South and Central American law firms, allows us to offer comprehensive tax advisory and transfer pricing services.

To avoid potential conflicts of interest, WTS Global members do not offer audit services.


Uniglobal Events, spol. s r. o. (as “Uniglobal”), Narodni str. 17, Praha 1, 110 00, Czech Republic (Company registration no: 24804576)
VAT registrations: Austria: ATU67000345 | Czech Republic: CZ24804576 | Germany: DE280822141 | Portugal: PT980641411 | The Netherlands: NL824281548B01 | UK: GB453766858 | Spain: NIF – N0306227J

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